Saturday, April 24, 2010

We have Moved!

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Maddy and Me

I had a request that I blog about mine and Maddy's relationship. Our interaction, I suppose would be the word.

Maddy is a total Mama's girl, which is the opposite of most little girls. Most, including myself, are daddy's girls. I don't know why she's different, not to say that she doesn't like Joe because she enjoys Joe. I think she sees him as playtime and me as snuggle time/food time. I can calm her most times when Joe can't. I think he's even been surprised by it.

Her being clingy has become more noticeable as of late. Probably because it's getting warmer and we're going out more. I always knew that she was clingy because when I wanted to put her down she wanted to be held, which was fine by me (for the most part, made things impossible to get done, but such is baby life). It started when Melissa tried to hold her within the last week or so. Melissa has been here since the day she was born (before too, but I don't and Maddy just wasn't having it.

Then there was the visit to Grandma and Papa's. She was ok most of the day until we went out to look at my car. My mom was pushing her in the stroller up and down the driveway while I stood in the middle. Maddy started to cry or rather fuss. So I walk over and look at her and say "Lodge your complaints here! What's the matter? Tell Mama all about it." and she just looked at me and started smiling and cooing. My mom laughed and said "Look at her, all she wants is her mama!"

Lately she's been getting up around 8, which is usually after Joe goes to work. Sunday's and Fridays he's home at that time. She doesn't want anything other than to be in bed with me. It's a bad habit to have started but I don't mind and of course neither does she. The downside is the second that I get out of bed she wakes up.

Today however sealed the deal. She hasn't really been napping during the day because we've been going out, which she hates being in her car seat. Tomorrow we have to go out again to take my car to the repair shop. She fell asleep and when I was moving around with her she would open her eyes. Before I put her in bed I had a talk with her about staying asleep (she usually wakes up when we put her in the crib and we're not in bed yet). She successfully stayed asleep, I was waiting for her to wake up the entire time I was writing this and it didn't happen.

I feel so lucky to be so loved and have such a great bond with my daughter.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ditched for ponies

I started the day out feeling ok. Not great but ok, probably close to good. And then I had my Partylite party. I already knew it would be a small turnout which was depressing to begin with. Partylite was suppose to help me be a stay at home mom, a way to get some extra income. I wasn't expecting much but I haven't been getting any.

I had a guest not bother to show up or call or say they weren't coming. Another told me that "they" were going to let her pet the ponies today so she was going to do that instead. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the people that did show up, but no one placed an order. Not to say that they won't but I just feel hopeless.

After the party was over, I got a text message from the one who ditched me for the ponies and asked me if we were still hanging out. She had told me a few days ago that she couldn't do anything with me because another friend would be home. I told her that I had clean and then find out what was going on with Joe and that I would let her know. I was done cleaning around 5:30 and had talked to Joe a little online but he was coming home at 6. When he got here he was on the phone with his mom so I was delayed in giving her an answer. I get a text message at around 6:45 saying "Are we hanging out or not?" I was like 'Just go out" she argued with me for a few minutes but in reality she wanted to go out with her other friend. She ended up going which would be fine except that every time I try to hang out with her, this is the same friend I get ditched for. She ditched me to go to BW3's a few weeks ago. Why bother if you're going to leave me anyway? I'm ok with you having other plans but instead it feels like I'm being replaced. Like a "I can hangout with you...oh it's 8, I gotta go hang out with..." not "Let's hang out but I have to leave at 8 because I made plans with ...."

I just feel like ever since I got pregnant almost every single one of my friends don't talk to me anymore. I have like one friend and not that that's not ok but I would like to have more people to talk to...Just one or two more :(

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter, Visit's from "relatives" and no hot water!

Today was Maddy's first Easter. For the most part it was rather quiet. We initially hadn't planned on doing anything today but after the events of today I'm glad that we hadn't.
After being grouchy for the last three days, with the exception of meals and maybe an hour or so Daddy time, she has been asleep. Must be her version of PMS. I wonder if that happens. You know, after being inside you for nine months, having all sorts of hormones, and then being forced out into this world, they get to suffer like us Mama's and have a monthly bout of PMS.
I say this because today of all days, my Aunt Flo decided she wanted to finally visit again. After not seeing her for about a year she made her appearance on Easter. I hate her visits, I cramp, I ache, and I feel exceptionally tired most of the day. Hence, why I think Maddy feels what I feel. And seeing as I weigh around 20 pounds more than I did pre-pregnancy, and it all seems to be in my ass and stomach, I can't move around to alleviate my cramps like I used to. Now aside from popping a Motrin every now and again, I seem to be surviving. The downside of it all, I can't do my most favorite thing during this time of the month. I can't take a bath. Why can't I take a bath, you ask. Well that's simple my dear friend, because our apartment has no hot water.
We haven't had any hot water since mid-afternoon yesterday. We won't have any hot water until Tuesday at the latest. They say they are going to try and have it fixed by tomorrow but I won't hold my breath. This makes me wonder if having water divided amongst the building is a blessing or a curse. I guess our water heater could have broke even if we didn't share, but then again it probably wouldn't be so taxing on the system. All I know is of all weekends to break, this had to be the worse one. I guess we just have to take it as it comes and say Thank God it was only hot water. And ultimately the only thing really effected by the lack of hot water, is making Maddy's formula in a shorter amount of time. For now, we have to warm the water in the microwave.
Moral of the story folks, feel blessed for the things you do have. Too often we take advantage of the simple things in life. Just remember it could be worse.
Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Not wanting a girl

When I first became pregnant I thought for sure that I was having a boy. I swore up and down that I was carrying a boy. I had always dreamed that when I had a baby it would be a boy. My family even thought I would have a boy.
When I found out I was having a girl, I cried. I didn't want a girl. I told myself for weeks that the ultrasound tech was wrong and that I was having a boy. I don't think anyone ever really asked me why I didn't want a girl. They just accepted that I wanted a boy and that I was adamant that when the baby was born, it was going to have a penis.
I have a friend who also doesn't want to have any girls, she's having 3 boys. She already decided. I asked her why she doesn't want a girl. Her answer: Girls are catty and bitches and she doesn't want her daughter to have to deal with that. My reason: Boys are evil, they break hearts and don't care that they do. They lie and they cheat. I don't want to have to comfort my daughter when some asshole decides that she's not what he wants and breaks her heart. I was reading "Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea" and she stated something about not wanting a daughter either. I don't remember her reasoning now but I was just like "Wow, a lot of women feel this way." It's not that we wouldn't love her if we had her. It's just that we are loving her before she even exist and are trying to prevent her any pain.
I think we feel the way we do because we have had those things happen to us. My friend had to deal with drama filled girls that were bitchy and catty to her. I had to deal with asshole boys that broke my heart, over and over again. I'm sure that Chelsea Handler had to deal with whatever reason was.
I can't say that if I had had a son that he would never be heartbroken, or that he would never have any drama. I just feel like boys deal with it better. If they are mad at each other, they get in a fight and then drink some beer. If they get their heartbroken they just find someone new. Girls spread rumors and lie when they get mad at each other. Hell, they probably even steal your boyfriend. Then it's double heartbreak.
I did have a girl, there was no penis attached at birth. I love her more than anything. After carrying her and having her and now that she's here, I couldn't see myself with a little boy. I know everything happens for a reason, and there is a reason God gave me a little girl. For now I'm going to love her and hold her and worry about boys later. I'll probably be worse than her dad when it comes time for her to date. He says he'll have a shot gun, I'll just have my hand and bust his balls if he hurts my little girl.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Weeks 4, 5, 6, and 7

In the last month we have managed to get a stomach virus, colic, diaper rash and a cold. POOR BABY!!! It has been quite an adventure to say the least. She keeps getting sick and we're not exactly sure why. Maybe it's all those trips to Target. She definitely not in daycare so it isn't coming from there. The stomach virus was what she had at last posting. The puking was the end of it with the exception of her potentially getting diarrhea. I can't quite remember if she did or not.
Unfortunately as soon as that ended the crying fits/colic began. It was hard to believe that she had gas build up because all she does is fart, the little stinker. Dr. Singh gave us a recipe for Fennel Seed Tea, which is basically loose fennel seeds, water, and ginger. She takes that three times a day and seems to be doing well. Most crying fits are usually when shes really tired anymore. She also started sleeping through the night in the last month, she goes from about 12:30 to about 5:30/6. After that feeding and changing I can usually get her to sleep until 10.
The diaper rash came right before she got the cold. We think it was from the Pampers. I know, I know, it's from leaving her in a wet diaper too long but we don't leave her in it any longer now than we did then. Dr. Singh told us to use A & D and corn starch in her diapers. We tried that and nothing changed. I think it was because the corn starch wasn't sitting on the diaper it was falling in the little dry weave that Pampers has in it Swaddler brand diapers. Now, I'm not speaking bad of Pampers, I would still be buying them to this day if Maddy wasn't so darn sensitive. We took every pack of Pampers back and switched over to Huggies. Back to Maddy being sensitive, we had baby powder that was "pure" corn starch with the exception of the fragrance, so we tried using that to save money and the second we did, her rash got so much worse. Poor kid, extra sensitive to everything. The Huggies have worked well; along with ointment that we have to put on to prevent a yeast infection, with the exception of, if you don't put them on just right (snugly) they leak after a night of sleeping/peeing. Maddy has woken up a few times completely soaked below the waist.
The cold came on last week, during those nice few days we had here. Dr. Singh said it was from the snow melting and there being mold in the air. So much for "Fresh Air." She hasn't gotten better yet, but thankfully she isn't getting any worse. We're going to try using the humidifier tonight to see if that helps dry her out any. We have a warm mist one that is suppose to help with that...I think, I was looking at the box at the store of the one that I thought was ours, so I hope I was right. I was going there to buy those medicine things that you pour in, except after reading the back, we can't use those until she's two or we have our own bedroom. So hopefully Joe or I don't get a cold anytime soon.
Speaking of Joe. I'm trying to have patience with this man. I think he wasn't expecting a baby to be so much work, and heck, if she wasn't getting sick all the time she probably wouldn't be, but we get to be that lucky!! I'm hoping things get better, I keep planning my life like they will. We've been trying to find a new place because we, especially me, hate living where we currently do. It's not horrible, actually it would be quite nice, if it wasn't in the middle of nowhere or in Ypsi for that matter. We shall see what happens next..but for now I'm off to get some rest...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Labor from Hell and the last 3 weeks

I'm a brand new mommy, having given birth on February 3rd to a beautiful baby girl. I wish I had kept better tabs on my pregnancy but I guess it was already overwhelming on its own. I learned I was pregnant on May 27th, 2009. I already figured I was but had to take the test to know for sure. I took 7 because I really just didn't believe it. We started out at UM for the doctor but ended up transferring to St. Joe's after being told over and over to take Tylenol for every pain I was feeling. I had a UTI and was told to drink cranberry juice and sleep. That was the end of it. We had a much better experience at St. Joe's. The nurses were great and always made me feel better about things I was unsure about. At 20 weeks I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I was on insulin through the rest of the pregnancy, with it increasing pretty much at every visit. I was at the doctor every week until week 32, when I was there twice a week until she was delivered. We had several times when we thought we were going into labor but nothing.

At 39 weeks and 5 days I was induced. I went into the hospital experiencing contractions but nothing that was going to make her arrive. I was given pitocin at 9am, and an epidural at around noon. My water was broken shortly there after. At 8pm I was finally 10 cm and was told I was going to push. I pushed for an hour and half. She wasn't coming. At 9:30pm my epidural stopped working, the anesthesiologist shot 4 more vials of pain reliever into my IV. They didn't work. I experienced natural labor for almost an hour before the doctor decided to prep me for a c-section. I don't remember much other than screaming and signing a paper to consent to a c-section. I was moved into the OR where I was given a spinal, which numbed me from the waste down. I don't remember anything other than being told to push, which I did 4 times and she was out. 10:40 pm she made her arrival.

In the weeks after things have been good. She was eating quite frequently and was just getting on a regular feed schedule. Today, she was throwing up her formula, at this writing she is on pedialyte until we see the pediatrician in the morning. Hopefully it's nothing major. Otherwise, she is such a good baby, she loves her baths and sleeps after eating, and we are just loving her.